07 June 2011

new chapter..

New chapter on life.. I am SO READY for a new chapter. I wish this chapter would take me off the shore but new experience is a new one. I will be a fifth grade teacher at an undisclosed school. Stories will ensue. I am nervous to have 23young faced staring at me, relying on me for their education (not to mention the parents of said children paying to send their children to undisclosed school). Kids are like clay- and are formed by those with whom they.come.in contact with. Good and bad. O am terrified that an un-Christ like things will come out of my mouth. I am worried that I will not challenge them enough. But as I type, I can hear the key words "I" and " worry". My biggest wekness. What I need to put into place is The Lord and has control. I just need to fall on face and ask for His wisedom. He will give as He has done.

1 comment:

grey rose (they/them) said...

Rachel, congrats!! praying for you on your new journey!! xo