hmm i love this warm weather tease we are experiencing this weekend. its just so lovely. spring anyone?
so my cousin, josh, came down today from the pretty Amish land of Lancaster with his mom and pop. we were sitting around the table at my grandmother's, and decided after lunch that it was too nice to be inside. so, we thought, let's go check out the chicken houses. i hear you say what? isn't that full of chickens? and stinky?
well no, and yes. my grandparents no longer raise chickens.
(they use to raise chickens, corn, grain of some kind, soy, hogs, and bison... yup, bison. oh and lots of dogs, cause a farm is no good without a dog or two.)so now the chicken houses are like storage sheds... stinky ones. but regardless it's like a muesum in there. lots of random things.. and i mean RANDOM. so josh and i "explored" the chicken houses. he found his mama's old bible
(from when she was a little girl.. 1967 to be specific) sitting on top of a truck hood. it's an old working farm, what can i say?then josh decided to explore the old combine and shed it was in. we noticed two pipe things going into the ground, and on into a well... a very deep well. huh, i thought. i've never seen that before. it kinda freaked me out. here is this square hole in the cement floor that is a deep well. what has fallen in there? yeeuch.
i'm just glad we never found that when we were younger.
oh and it's really windy up there, and lots of semi loose metal making creepy noises.
then we saw the door to one of the grain bins. like big grain bins. so we opened in waiting for an animal to pop out at us. nothing did. i wish i had a picture to describe the eerie-ness inside this grain bin.
so it's large circular metal tall building thing that is completley hollow inside except for the long drill bit looking thing that was used to pull up the grain and put it into something else. there was still some grain on the floor of this bin. and wrapped around the drill-elevator thing was a light bulb socket and one lone light bulb. so we plugged it in.
curiousity got the best of us. how CREEPY and SCARY would it be to get shut in this thing!?!!? i immediatly imagined the scene from "the ring". ahhhh!!!!
we quickly shut the door, and unplugged the light.
so if you want to make a scary movie, i've got the perfect spot.
oh yea! and there is a really old graveyard down the road from us not to mention how spooky the swamp is.
ask hannah and linnea about chasing foxes down that road in the golf cart.