16 April 2009

a movie

so this is my first movie like thing i've created. it is for school and its kinda lame.. but it was really fun making it! don't laugh too hard..

10 April 2009


this is the old nanticoke high school. very cool place that ingrid and i got to explore on cheery saturday.


i find drift wood interesting. this one looks like an octupus, just with more legs. the other just looks like its posing. isn't it interesting to look at?
ride to NDHS.
sunset on the bridge road.

09 April 2009

funny doggy

just in case you were wondering..

spotted: the easter bunny.

carrying a basket o' candy and eggs.

in east new market, at a small deli & general store.

i went in for a newspaper, and in came mr. easter bunny himself.

well the layout is horrible. i still cannot quite figure it out. anyway, these shots were taken on my way up to North Dorchestor H.S. in Hurlock... at seven a.m. i really ought to get used to this schedule.. i'm just really not a morning person. but takin pictures of the sunrise is nice:) that body of water is the Nanticoke River at the Vienna Bridge. sunrise is nice, isn't?

green grass

i love lush soft green grass. ( and apparently, so do the doggies.)papa did an excellent job planting our new grass.