18 February 2010

minus one

we were missing one sister....


i am student teaching at a school forty minutes away (yeah, forty minutes, what?)

my supervisor came out today to do my midterm evaluation. ( which turned out to very good, but thats not my story here.)

my sixth period class (end of the day, we all are tired) the kids asked me if my parole officer came out to see me.

i said what?

your parole officer!

my supervisor?

yeah, your parole officer.

oh, okay. yes he came.

so, my supervisor will now be refered to as my "parole" officer.

ah, the eighth grade.


ya know what is really unattractive?

complaining, not just complaining, but whining boo-hoo-ing about nothing really.

super unattractive.

also, cursing.

sometimes those four letter and five letter words slip out, but listening to other people use them is just super aweful.



i just love taylor swift's newly released "fearless".

/ you take my hand and drag me head first/ fearless..

/i would dance with you in a storm/ in my best dress/ fearless

i don't know why but its just super cute and fun and makes me feel younger:)

songs that make you feel younger are always good!

09 February 2010

Sienna and Michael '10

i just love these shots.