well i have no idea how these will show up because the program is being really screwy. anyway! molly and i have picked out a few places on the eastern shore that we have not been to though we are born and raised here. so this past sunday, our first adventure was to east new market, secretary, eldorado, cambridge and oxford. so i picked molly up at about two and we drove. got to mardela springs and headed towards sharptown. ah, the fair grounds. i miss summer. got up to eldorado. i think it is funny that we have an eldorado. it sounds too californian ot be part of maryland but then again we apparently have a california, maryland too! so we got to eldorado, and i just had to stop and check out hte old church and grave yard. you can learn so much about a place when you look at its church and graves. their were alot of WWII vets buried there. alos people buried there since the late 18oo's. there were older ones but i couldn't read the markers.

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