10 July 2008

and the stories just keep comin!

so this pudgy, awkward kid named storm (no he doesn't have a sister named sunshine) has the hardest time keepin up his pants. we counslers are always laughing because they are so droopy on his awkward little body.
oh yea, he runs like a penguin with his head just a wobblin.
anyway, we were playing with clay today and storm went to the little sink to wash his hands.  jonathan, a junior counsler said, rachel, look!
there's storm washing away with his drawers around his ankles and his "Cars" underwear smiling  back at us. 
i ran over to cover him up almost tripping over my own feet cecause of the tears coming out of my eyes from laughing so hard.

ah. you just never know what will happen next.

1 comment:

KristenAnne said...

hahah oh goodness. reminds me of a time we were changing for the pool and one of my boys, who was larger than the other boys on the class, came out wearing only a speedo. he proudly paraded around the classroom. needless to say i found something else for him to wear.