16 February 2009

NEP vs. Stimulus plan

i was just reading mrs. huntington's blog for February16. i totally agree with her concerning the hurry hurry to sign the stimulus plan that has a billion other horrible things tagged on becasue the liberal fundmentalist are just excited to get something through the house that they want for the first time in at least 8 years. now, i am not going to lie, i was excited to see what changes obama was going to bring. i am sick of the republicans soaking all the money up and feeding themselves fat, metaphorically. i am all for little governemnt, but the reality was folks, it wasn't little governemnt. they had their hand in everything, anything to grab money money money. i was hopful for a new administration that would be more careful of spending, that would LISTEN to the people!! well, i am not impressed. and thats what i really should have expected. pelosi hurrying the bill so she could fly to ROME, and the president in CHICAGO. reporters blatently said on cnn he was out west where the people were more friendly towards this bill as opposed to washington. so are we moving the capitol now or just when it's convienent.
the whole stinkin government is rotten with greed.
historically the nation has swung left and when we were sick of it we swung back to the right and so on. its been going on for a long time. i can't help but wonder, how far is the pendulum going to swing this time?
but as i said on mrs. huntington's blog, my history professor last semester (note pre-election) made president bush the butt of many jokes, relating him to the previous administration's mistakes, mostly those right wing fundamentalists. (because we are SO crazy didn't you know?)
well, the tune has changed. my russian revolution history professor made a correlation between Lenin's new economic policies to the stimulus plan. (!?!?!?!?!?!?!) then he made laugh like he was only half kidding; like he believed there was some truth in what he said.

1 comment:

kibbe said...

Scary is the correct word for this package, Raitch. Did you hear what Obama said today? He said this package was the "beginning of the end". Now, I know he meant it as the end of the recession, but I see it as the beginning of the end of our American Society as we know it. Nothing like opening ones self to a play on words. Can you imagine if Bush had said that?