09 March 2010

point out hte good things too....

I'm going to take this moment to procrastinate a bit more and tell you about the good thing that happened today. I am naturally pessimistic when it comes to myself, a disease i contracted at an early age that i just can't shake.

but in a weak but amiable effort to change that, i am going to share the good thing that happened today in hopes that i might be a bit more positive and not so depressed.

dr. jenne, my methods professor from salisbury university came out to my school to observe my teaching. i knew he was coming but anxiety had the best of me. i was afraid he was going to tell me that i was aweful and that i needed to leave the program. (see, i told you i am naturally pessmistic then it comes to myself.)

but, he said he was impresed by my presence in the classroom, that my plans for stations were great, that i was helping out students, and that i dismissed the kids, not the bell.

he had only one tiny suggestion which will only help me out.


i wish i felt more satisfied about it all. i wish i still didn't feel so depressed. i have very little reason to be. oh well.


now to planning tomorrow......

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